home Forums idx bugs Words already used for anchors cannot be selected for page ranges

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  • Wendy Baskett
    Post count: 24

    When trying to create a page range (in Word), if I select a word that has already been used as an anchor for another entry, Index-Manager selects that entry for update and I cannot create the new entry.

    I don’t remember this being a problem before, so I wonder if it has crept in with the last update?

    Kirsty Adegboro
    Post count: 3

    Has this been looked at? I am finding this really quite problematic! In fact, trying to re-use any word for multiple anchors just opens the ‘update’ existing entry button. I sometimes get round this by duplicating the existing entry and then typing my new one directly into the Index list window. However, this is quite fiddly as it means the auto-complete facility cannot be used. Is there an easier way?

    Wendy Baskett
    Post count: 24

    Hi Kirsty,

    A few things I have discovered which may help.

    1. If you know you want to create several entries with the same anchor, use the drop down arrow at the top right of the text window to select ‘adopt previous anchor’

    2. If you are coming back to an anchor already used, select the word, select ‘adopt previous anchor’ as above, then cancel the entry. Enter your new wording and create the entry – it will attach to the previous anchor.

    3. I have found that once you close Index-Manager (even without exporting) and then re-open, you can select an anchor again and it does not open the old entry for updating.

    Hope that makes some sense!

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