home Forums idx bugs Unexpected IndexerManager crashes

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  • Caroline Diepeveen
    Post count: 3

    I am currently indexing a book that has each chapter written by a different author. Some chapters cause numerous Index Manager crashes, others cause no crashes at all. The crashes invariably occur when I try to define the starting point of a range. Has anyone else experienced this? And if so, do you know what may be the cause? Perhaps the Word file contains some hidden coding that offends IndexManager?

    Janice Rayment
    Post count: 23

    I’ve had a few crashes recently but haven’t identified any cause. It’s interesting to hear you say about the different chapters. Is each chapter a different file? (In my case they are.)

    I do know that when I’ve reopened Index Manager all the latest edits are there so I haven’t really worried.

    Caroline Diepeveen
    Post count: 3

    Thanks Jan. Yes, it is true you don’t lose any entries or edits when crashes occur. It is just when it happens like three times in a row, it becomes rather annoying. The file I am talking about is one Word file containing all the chapters. It is just that some chapters cause crashes, whereas others don’t, and each is written by a different author.

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