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  • Shelley Quattrocchi
    Post count: 1

    I’m practicing in IDX. I’ve done one short index and now I’d like to try another. I have a 2nd Word document that I am uploading into the Text mode and that is working fine. However, when I open the Word List and Index Preview windows, they contain the information from the previous index. Does anyone know how I can get fresh windows with no data in them?


    Pilar Wyman
    Post count: 2

    What documents are listed in your project window? It sounds like both your documents are listed there, even though your current project is only with the 2nd document. Make sure the documents that are part of your current project are only the ones you mean to be working with.
    –I hope this helps.

    Post count: 31

    Hi sorry for my late answer Shelley,

    If you open Index-Manager, in the Files Window, the file selection of the project you last worked on appears by default, so that you can continue working quickly.To create a completely new project, delete the displayed selection in the Files window using the Brush button or by clicking on the file paths and subsequent X button, you will then be prompted to load the new manuscript files. The new selection appears in the list of Projects in the right window as soon as you perform an import with the new combination and close and restart Index-Manager.

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