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  • indexmanager
    Post count: 31

    Name (N) Search (S) Replace (R) Column (C) Options (O) Shortcut (SC) Example (E)

    (N) .docx bold (S) (.+) (R) <b>\1</b> (C) Entry (O) rx (SC) Alt+B (E) Oak -> <b>Oak</b>
    (N) .docx italic (S) (.+) (R) <i>\1</i> (C) Entry (O) rx (SC) Alt+I (E) Oak -> <i>Oak</i>
    (N) .idml bold (S) (.+) (R) !!\1!!!;\1 (C) Entry (O) rx (SC) Ctrl+Alt+B
    (N) .idml italic (S) (.+) (R) ##\1###;\1 (C) Entry (O) rx (SC) Ctrl+Alt+I
    (N) Index name (R) Names index (C) Index name (SC) Alt+N
    (N) Index place (R) Places index (C) Index name (SC) Alt+P
    (N) Initial Caps (S) ^(.)(.*) (R) \U(\1\U)\2 (C) Complete entry (O) rxcs (SC) Ctrl+Alt+C (E) oak -> Oak
    (N) Initial Lows (S) ^(.)(.*) (R) \L(\1\L)\2 (C) Complete entry (O) rxcs (SC) Ctrl+Alt+L (E) Oak -> oak
    (N) Merge levels (S) ([^\|]*)\|(.*) (R) \1, \2 (C) Complete entry (O) rx (SC) Ctrl+Alt+M (E) American|Oak -> American, Oak
    (N) Swap level (S) ([^\|]*)\|(.*) (R) \2|\1 (C) Complete entry (O) rx (SC) Ctrl+Alt+S (E) Oak|American -> American|Oak
    (N) Swap name (S) (.*) (.*) \2, (R) \1 (C) Entry (O) rx (SC) Ctrl+Alt+N (E) John Miller -> Miller, John
    (N) Swap parenthesis (S) (.*) \((.*)\) (R) \2 (\1) (C) Entry (O) rx (SC) Ctrl+Alt+T (E) UN (United Nation) -> United Nation (UN)
    (N) Forced sorting (S) (.+) (R) \1;\1 (C) Entry (O)rx (E) has to be adapted
    (N) Forced sortingF (S) ([0-9-,]+)(.*) (R) \1\2;\2\1 (C) Entry (O) rx (E) 1,3-Ketoglutarate -> 1,3-Ketoglutarate;Ketoglutarate1,3-
    (N) en Dash (S) # (R)(C) Complete entry (E) (1864#1925) -> (1864–1925)
    (N) Arab sort (S) (.*?)(‘|´||'|ayn|al\W|hamza|b\.\s*|a\.\s*)(.*?)(‘|´||’|ayn|al\W|hamza|b\.\s*|a\.\s*)(.*?)(‘|´||'|ayn|al\W|hamza|b\.\s*|a\.\s*)(.*?)(‘|´||’|ayn|al\W|hamza|b\.\s*|a\.\s*)(.*?)(‘|´|`|’|ayn|al\W|hamza|b\.\s*|a\.\s*)(.*) (R) \1\2\3\4\5\6\7\8\9\10\11;\1\3\5\7\9\11 (C) Entry (O) rx (E) ‘Abd Allāh b. Ja‘da b. Hubayra b. Abī Wahb al-Makhzūm -> ‘Abd Allāh b. Ja‘da b. Hubayra b. Abī Wahb al-Makhzūm;Abd Allāh Jada Hubayra Abī Wahb al-Makhzūm
    (N) law italic (S) (.+)(doctrine|case) (R) <i>\1</i>\2 (C) Entry (O) rx (E) Aranyosi doctrine -> <i>Aranyosi </i>doctrine
    (N) quot sort (S) ([„,“])(.*)([„,”]) (R) \1\2\3;\2 (C) Entry (O) rx (SC) (E) „Basswood“ => „Basswood“;Basswood
    (N) Prep sorting (S) ^(at the |at |as the |as |by the|by |of the |for the|for |in the|in |under |or |on |a |an |the |vs. |of |and )(.*) (R) \1\2;\2 (C) Entry (O) rx (SC) (E) The tree is famous => The tree is famous;tree is famous

    • Dieses Thema wurde geändert vor 3 Jahren, 6 Monaten von wpadmin.
    • Dieses Thema wurde geändert vor 3 Jahren von wpadmin.
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