home Forums idx general support Export index terms to import to SKY?

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  • Rudy Leon
    Post count: 3

    Hello. I would like to export the work I’ve done in idx and import it into SKY. I found the option to export an “indent xml” and did so, but I have no idea where on computer that went, and searching for .xml changed today doesn’t find me it anywhere.

    How do I export a delimited txt file, a DAT file, or an XML Records file, and when I do so, where on my computer will I find it?

    Post count: 31

    Using the entries directly from idx wouldn’t really help you? Then you wouldn’t have page numbers only idx-numbers. But you can always output the index preview as a text file, go to the index-preview window and there via the little triangle on the right you will find in the dropdown menu “save as text file”.
    It would be better if you would export the entries once in word, in the export dialog check attach index. In Word copy the actualized index at the end of your document and save it to another file as you need it.

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