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Wendy Baskett
Post count: 24

Thank you – that is helpful to know.

It doesn’t really explain why some headings are affected and others not, when they have all been created the same way in the Word file (for example, by selecting text and applying ‚Heading 2‘ from the Styles group on the tool bar.) Is there something odd going on in Word itself?

I’m interested in the relationship between styles in Word and Structure in Index-Manager because the last project I had was beautifully styled in Word, with a clear structure in the navigation panel of the document, but in Index-Manager it had no structure at all – or at least, the whole book was in a single section. This wasn’t helpful for navigation! So it started me wondering about whether I could apply styles myself that would be recognized in Index-Manager.

The structure window is a really useful feature of Index-Manager, so I’m keen to find ways to make it work for me.

With best wishes,