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in reply to: Using semicolon as literal character #3317
Hi Wendy
Did you ever find out how to do this? I’m sure there is a way but I wasn’t able to find it and still cannot.
Janin reply to: Cross-references in multi-file Word projects #3141You are correct Wendy – IDX embeds the cross-refs into each file where appropriate. The notes Jan Wright and I prepared did contain more information on this in an earlier draft and in case it helps, I’ve copied that below. We removed some of the instruction from our paper in the interest of brevity. For anyone who hasn’t seen our paper on embedding into multi-file Word you can access it via my website:
Cross references: Index Manager does not combine multiple see/see also references into one cross-reference with multiple targets. Combine complex see/see also references and create generic cross-references as a very last edit to the Word files when you know you will not be taking the files back into Index Manager.
The combined index can contain multiple see/see also cross-references where the target is in more than one chapter or points to other topics. For example:
{ XE “Dogs” \t “See also Wolves” } (Cross-references can have only 1 target in Index Manager)
{ XE “Dogs” \t “See also Coyotes” }
But you want this result in the final index:
{ XE “Dogs” \t “See also Coyotes; Wolves” }
To get this final result, you have to edit the see also entry in Word to combine Coyotes and Wolves. Edit one of the cross-references the way you want it, and delete the other one.
Here’s an example of generic references which Index Manager does not allow:
{ XE “Dogs” \t “See also specific breeds of dogs” }
This type of generic reference is not allowed in Index Manager and must be added in Word. (Or you can enter them as a regular index entry in the main head, and later change the entry once you are finalizing the index in Word and not going back to Index Manager.)
Once you have finalized your work in Index Manager, you can edit the entry for the see/see also in Word once you have exported. Edit the entry itself in the Word files by searching for the pieces of the entry, and editing it in the XE field. If you re-open these changed Word files in Index Manager after combining a see/see also reference or adding a generic see/see also reference in Word, Index Manager will turn those unacceptable cross-references red in the Xref window. It will also delete them from the next export so you could lose the references if you are re-exporting from Index Manager. The best practice is to combine complex see/see also references and create generic cross-references as a very last edit to the Word files when you know you will not be taking the files back into Index reply to: Multi-file Word documents #3123I will send you a copy of our guidelines on Monday if you would like. Unfortunately I’m away until then and not sure if I can do so remotely. I think we’ve managed to make it an easy solution.
in reply to: Multi-file Word documents #3121Jan Wright and I have written a guide to doing this with Referenced Documents. I just need to make a couple of edits and then it’ll be available.
I’m interested to know reasons for wanting a different solution though Wendy.
in reply to: Unexpected IndexerManager crashes #3118I’ve had a few crashes recently but haven’t identified any cause. It’s interesting to hear you say about the different chapters. Is each chapter a different file? (In my case they are.)
I do know that when I’ve reopened Index Manager all the latest edits are there so I haven’t really worried.
in reply to: Hastags # in headings #3050Please ignore my question/post. It’s all worked out correctly in the embedded index.
I’ve noticed some anchors in the middle of words (and never understood why) but haven’t noticed any problems as a result – but then I haven’t yet had to create a fresh work file very often.
The only thing I can think of to avoid it is to manually move the anchor point whenever you notice it going in the middle of a word. But this adds to the time and reduces efficiency so not ideal albeit certainly better than having to work out where you had originally placed the entry.
I’d be interested in advice on this too.
in reply to: search box in text window #3030Yes that is a help. I’m still struggling a little though.
I know it’s possibly quite basic but could we consider having one of the webinars on this subject (again – I’m a slow learner!)?
Many thanks,
Janin reply to: Cross references to entries with forced sort order #3026It would be good it that is changed and thank you to Wendy for highlighting the issue.
It did prompt me to think about these cross-references (that get deleted) when there is no target. I try to remember to always look before closing the programme but it’s easy to forget.If it is an easy development, it would be lovely to have a warning message when you close to say that there are some cross-references that will get deleted. Then the window/warning could give the option to cancel and make an amendment or to close anyway.
in reply to: adopt previous anchor #2999I think I’ve just experienced the same thing. I had to check, and then uncheck the Adopt Previous Anchor option. I am indexing a Word file I created from a PDF.
in reply to: InDesign cross references #2962Not quite. I understand what you are saying but as far as I can see, each see also needs to be individually changed.
in reply to: Bulk moving of Anchor point #2959Thank you – I’ve finished my current job but will certainly test it out later. Thank you.
And Happy New Year to you reply to: Index Window columns #2934I’ve only been working on a single project. And once I didn’t even close the programme down – I went off for a couple of hours and found all columns were showing. It’s possible my computer had done a restart but there was no indication of anything else shutting down and reopening.